I Won Some Awards! What they actually mean to me.
Every year the Idaho Press Club hosts an award night where journalists from around the state reflect on their work for the previous year. I was excited to see my work awarded in four categories within my first year of on-air reporting! There are stories I am proud to tell and share on this blog, but here are some of the best according to judges.
Reporter Of The Year - Broadcast
3rd place
I submitted three stories for this one, some of these can be found in my reel.
Feature Photography - Serious
2nd Place
Photos: Community remembers local soldier: 'We're always going to be there for each other'
On Another Note
Our morning team got first place in Best Morning Program! I joined the morning team in August after working nightly news and previously on the web for over a year. Proud to be working with the talent that is there when you wake up!
Awards are great and all, but our stories are a service to the people. It’s the impact that matters more than a plaque or a piece of paper. It’s why I wanted to be a journalist. For the people that talk to me in front of the camera, or run to the rescue during breaking news, they are the ones that deserve the award in my eyes. Their stories mean so much and I dedicate my work to them.