Getting outside, going for a drive, counting blessings
“Let the heaven and earth praise him, the seas, and every thing that moveth therein.”
Took a drive to decompress, get off my phone, and reflect. They say count your blessings, but have you ever actually thought about them? Wrote them down?
The coronavirus no doubt has hurt us and our habits it almost seems hopeless to find any peace among the chaos. But there is a solution, and it has worked for me. I count my blessings. Instantly my outlook on life changes. I find that I don’t need things that I normally crave, the things that I can’t have right now. My focus switches to the things that really matter. Blessings are everywhere, you just have to look, even if it means taking a drive outside of the city.
Some of my blessings:
My health
My family
My faith
My progress in my dream career
My apartment