Sun Valley Sunday
If I could be a place in the world, it would be Sun Valley. A friend and I took a day trip to get some shopping done and of course I grabbed some photos while I was there. The horses, the old buildings and beautiful mountains had me exclaiming “let’s pull over!” in the passenger seat. We both love photography, so we did what photographers do, and that’s grab a few shots throughout the day.
The above pictured schoolhouse took me by surprise. I originally thought it was a church.
This building was where kids went to learn starting in 1908. The same kids that grew up and paved the way for Idaho’s future.
Through research I found that Corral, Idaho was settled by ranchers, a carpenter, a pharmacist and even a civil war veteran who was later an Idaho Rep! History is everywhere, you can find it by just looking out a window.
People who grounded this state walked on this soil. The same soil that grounds me.
Information from Wood River Weekly.